Infrared Saunas And Chronic Heart Failure

Chronic heart failure is when the heart repeatedly struggles to maintain blood flow to meet the body’s demands. Symptoms include, but are not limited to, a shortness of breath, increased tiredness, and leg swelling. These symptoms can be compounded greatly after a workout, intense activity, or a session in an infrared sauna. Key to fighting early heart failure is prevention and creating a healthy lifestyle.

How Infrared Saunas Can Help With Chronic Heart Failure

High blood pressure increases your risk of getting heart disease. Numerous studies of infrared saunas show that over time, frequent use can balance out unhealthy blood pressure. Combined with activity and motion the sauna may lower high blood pressure, normalize blood flow, and make the general health of the patient more pleasant. Easing suffering symptoms is the beginning of overcoming chronic heart failure. If the muscles and joints are relaxed and pain free, then working out for the patient will become easy.

An infrared sauna may be used as a supplement treatment to a prescribed doctor’s treatment in most cases. Always consult the doctor before starting up infrared sessions as a treatment or preventative measure. Overall, an infrared sauna will not make symptoms worse or damage the heart in any way. The heart rate never reaches higher than that of a light jog in most users but will still easily burn 200 to 300 calories per session. This is a healthy way to maintain body weight and balance out a salty diet. Don't believe us? Trust the experts!


Tips for the Best Sauna Experience

1. Stretch before entering the sauna.

Stretching wakes up your body, gets your blood pumping, and increases your flexibility, and these preparations will ensure that your mind, body, and health will see the greatest results after your infrared sauna session.

2. Hydrate your body.

They say you should drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day, and they’re not wrong! Keeping your body hydrated guarantees that you’ll have the stamina to enjoy an entire session of healthy heat in an infrared sauna.

3. Find the right settings.

Not everyone has the same body, so not everyone should have the same settings when it comes to their infrared sauna experience. If you’re looking to truly relax, then you may want to adjust the chromotherapy lighting to our cool blue, turn the heat to a lower temperature, and play some calming tunes. But, if you’re someone who wants to use the infrared sauna to feel energized, then perhaps a radiant orange, higher temperature, and an inspiring music selection is the way to go.

4. Take advantage of the bench.

Our infrared saunas come equipped with a comfortable bench that’s stationed at just the right height, so use it! The bench gives you somewhere to put your feet up to relax, sit calmly if you want to meditate, or provides an area for you to do that stretching we talked about earlier.

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