March 7, 2024

V.O.C. Air Quality 2024 Full Report

Air Quality Certification

IAQ Diagnostics And SGS Galson

Indoor Air Quality Diagnostics, Inc. is an industry leader when it comes to indoor environmental assessments and infrared evaluations, and has been providing a variety of services for many years and is a proud member of the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA). Coupled with SGS Galson, which is the world leader in industrial hygiene analysis and monitoring solutions, we knew we had the right team of experts to test and examine the indoor air quality of our infrared saunas.

Executive Summary

The scope of IAQ Diagnostics services was specifically limited to indoor air sampling that measures the concentrations of volatile organic compounds (‘VOC’s), utilizing the United States Environmental Protection Agencies (‘USEPA’) TO-15 list, present in the indoor air near the sampling devices placed within each sauna during the specified period of sampling. One (1) sample was collected within each sauna (Model MP-3, Model GSE3 “Signature” and Model GSE2 “Hybrid”) while each sauna is operated at or above 135 Fahrenheit to document the VOC during operating conditions.

One (1) sample was also collected outside of the saunas to document the general background VOC levels within the Master Spa showroom that could have an impact on the VOC levels within the saunas. One (1) sample was also collected outdoors to document the general background VOC levels outside the Master Spa showroom building that could have an impact on the VOC levels within the building. The sampling was done using a mini canister to draw air into the canister under the influence of the canister’s vacuum. This sample is a direct measure of the indoor air concentration near the sampling device during the sampling period. Each canister was fitted with a flow controller that provides grab (short-term) sample.

The samples were sent overnight express to SGS Galson Labs, an American Industrial Hygiene Association (‘AIHA’) accredited laboratory, for analysis using the appropriate EPA methodology for the targeted VOC’s.

V.O.C. Test Results

The results of the air quality testing performed by IAQ Diagnostics and analyzed by SGS Galson were better than we could have imagined. A sample of the air inside our infrared saunas, a sample of the air inside our showroom, and a sample of the air outside were all collected and sent off for examination. It was concluded that the air sample for inside of Good Health Saunas infrared saunas was equivalent the air quality from our showroom, therefore proving that our infrared saunas maintain the highest air quality standards in the industry.

Why Is Air Quality Important?

Good air quality is comparable to clean water, meaning that it is vital in maintaining the best possible health and well-being of individuals. Preserving the integrity of high-quality air can help with avoiding common side effects that come from polluted air, including allergies, coughing, headaches, sneezing, asthma, and running nose. According to Greentumble, the average person inhales up to 14,000 liters of air every day, so if you’re looking for a place to take that “breath of fresh air”, consider stepping inside a Good Health Saunas infrared sauna instead of on your backyard patio outside.