EMF Certification
Vitatech Electromagnetics, LLC
Vitatech Electromagnetics, LLC is an accredited testing company comprised of dedicated, expert engineers that perform a variety of environmental testing services. With over 25 years of industry experience, we had the utmost confidence that Vitatech was the ideal choice when selecting a company to test the electromagnetic compatibility of our infrared saunas.
Executive Summary
The average values recorded at the GOAT, Hybrid and Signature models are below the EN 55035:2017 standard of 1 A/m (12.57 mG RMS) for 60 Hz magnetic fields. Furthermore, the recorded electric field strength is less than the recommended IEEE standard 95.6:2002 of 5,000 V/m for whole body exposure. The following guidelines are not subject to United States regulations or laws for maximum permissible exposure to 60 Hz radiated emissions or otherwise exposure to electromagnetic fields. These panels comply with Vitatech’s recommendation of 10 mG RMS or less for long term human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF).
EMF Test Results
The results of the electromagnetic compatibility testing performed by Vitatech Electromagnetics, LLC indicate that all 3 Good Health Saunas models: GOAT, Hybrid and Signature infrared saunas emit very low electromagnetic fields (EMF), and meet all known federal, state, and industry standards. In addition, Vitatech recommends that, in order to be safe for long-term, human exposure, products should give off 10 mG or less, and Good Health Saunas infrared saunas release between 0.12 and 1.63 mG. According to Addictive Wellness, the average cell phone emits between 9 and 15 mG, which concludes that stepping inside one of our infrared saunas is much safer than talking on your cell phone.
Why Is Low EMF Important?
Low electromagnetic field readings are extremely important for the overall health and wellness of individuals because they pose a lower risk for negative side effects than what typically comes with high EMF emissions. The World Health Organization says that too much exposure to the wrong kind of electromagnetic fields have been linked to serious health risks, such as cancer, depression, suicide, cardiovascular disorders, reproductive dysfunction, and developmental disorders. We are very proud that our infrared saunas emit less than 1 mG of electromagnetic fields, ensuring that we are providing our customers with the safest infrared sauna experience.