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Consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before making any changes to your healthcare routine. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the internet.
What do the doctors say?
After observing the results obtained by patients using infrared saunas, world-renowned physician and author Dr. Sherry A. Rodgers, M.D. had this to say about infrared saunas:
“No surgery, no drug is available to give this type of therapeutic result. the whole family can use the far-infrared sauna…”
Dr. Richard Beever, clinical assistant professor of family medicine at the University of British Columbia, reviewed all the studies he could find on infrared saunas and states that the evidence shows infrared saunas do indeed work in treating high blood pressure, relieving chronic pain, and reduce the odds of congestive heart failure. When Dr. Beever applied infrared sauna therapy to his own patients suffering from chronic pain, a 54.1% increase in sleep quality was found, as well as a 27.3% improvement in the speed at which injured employees returned to work. (These figures are well beyond the measure of statistical significance prescription medications must demonstrate before being approved by the FDA.)
Dr. Brian Clement, medical director of the Hippocrates Health Institute said the following about infrared saunas’ unique ability to detoxify the body:
“We know that[…] for every 17 micrograms of lead in your body, your IQ [intelligence quotient] is reduced by 10 points. Now, think of that. How many of us would have been much brighter if we didn’t grow up in a time where they used lead paint or lead in the automobile fumes? So, we are detoxifying disease-causing elements from the body.”
Did you know Infrared Saunas can naturally boost your immune system?
It may not seem like it, but our immune system is attacked all year round, not just during cold and flu season. Whether it be from severe stress, lack of sleep, or even unhealthy eating, an infrared sauna can help your immune system beat them all. Let’s take a look at each…
Stress Relief. Infrared heat penetrates a full two inches, unlike a standard sauna that can only heat your surface skin. The resulting heat is less smoggy, allowing me to breathe comfortably and relax totally. Breaking stress with the infrared sauna will boost your immune system immediately. Signature Saunas by Good Health Saunas is a great go to for stress relief.
Restoring Healthy Sleep. Did you know sleep plays an enormous role in keeping your immune system strong? If you experience sleepless night due to stress, sore muscles, or a head cold, Good Health Saunas has you covered. The relaxing heat calms a worried mind, relaxes muscles and will not cause sinus problem like steam. You will be so relaxed after a session that sleep should no longer be a problem.
Have you been eating unhealthy? I do it too, but I found the best way to expel empty calories. I have a four-person Signature Sauna installed and I sit in it nightly. Regular use will cause you to sweat out toxins, and will burn up to 500 calories in a single session. No more worry about that extra mocha I had this morning.
Increase the power of your blood. No joke, the Infrared heat used in these Signature Saunas will increase you heart rate and increase the production of white blood cells. These cells are the main defense within your veins for attacking bacteria.
Still skeptical? That’s okay, ask the genius staff at Good Health Saunas website.